Internet Research 1.0:The State of the Interdiscipline 
The First Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers 
September 14-17, 2000 
University of Kansas 
Lawrence, Kansas

Thursday Schedule 

Thursday      Friday     Saturday      Sunday
Alphabetical listing of participants
Time Woodruff Big 12 Centennial Jayhawk Pine International
8:00-9:20 Psychology and Relationships Media Convergences Pedagogy
9:30-10:50 Psychology and Relationships (Extended)to 10:30 When Voters are Users Ethics and Internet Research Economics Empirical Approaches to Research

Keynote: The Rise of Networked Individualism
Barry Wellman

12:30-1:50 Families and Children Online: Perils and Possibilities (1:00-3:00) Women on the Internet Writing on the Web, Electronic literature, and Linguistics Global Internet Initatives: Case Studies Pew Internet and American Life Project
2:00-3:20 Continued I've Got a Little List Digital Resistances Internet Research Ethics Roundtable Internet and Science

Keynote:Systematic Studies of Social Behavior that Involve the Internet: A Social Informatics Perspective
Rob Kling

5:30-8:00 Reception at the Eldridge Hotel


8:30-10:30 111 Psychology and Relationships
Moderator: Nils Zurawski, Institute for Sociology, University of Muenster 
  • Internet Enabled Pathology

  • Storm King, International Society for Mental Health Online 
  • Cyber-love. Creating Romantic Relationships on the Net

  • Malin Sveningsson, Linkoping University 
  • The Quality of Electronically Maintained Relationships

  • Diana Odom Gunn and Christopher W. Gunn, McNeese State University
  • Attraction of the Pink Internet: Do On-Line Personals Facilitate Succesful Mate Selection Based On "Inner" Qualities?

  • Charlie Breindahl, University of Copenhagen 
  • Computer-Mediated Communication Effects on Self-Disclosure and Questions in Impression Development

  • Joseph B. Walther, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Lisa C. Tidwell, Telecheck Services


8:00-9:20 114 Media Convergences
  • An Examination of Textual Relations on Television and the Internet: Defining New Ground for Mass Media Theory

  • Elisia Cohen, Annenberg School for Communication, Univerity of Southern California 
  • Converging Cultures: Television, the Internet and the Fans of Lois and Clark 

  • Amy Lauters, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 
  • The Internet Music Revolution: Addressing Technological and Structural Change in the Music Economy

  • Mark Latonero, Annenberg School of Communications, University of Southern California 
  • Broadcasters and the Internet: The Early Years

  • Margot Emery, University of Tennessee 


8:00-9:20 115 Pedagogy 
Moderator: Gretchen Schoel, Reves Center for International Studies, College of William and Mary, Faculty of Environmental Information, Keio University. 
  • Teaching Spatial Rhetoric

  • Eric Gardner. Saginaw Valley State College 
  • Communication in an E-learning Environment: Frequent, Honest, and Open

  • Anne Daugherty, University of Kansas 
  • Integrating Diverse Learning Environments

  • Len Hatfield, Virginia Tech 


9:30-10:50 123 When Voters are Users
  • The Internet and Campaign 2000: The Structure and Function of Political Web Space

  • Steve Schneider, University of Pennsylvania 
  • How Eligible Voters "See" Political Internet Sites: The Dimensional Structure of Political Internet Site Perceptions

  • R. Kirkland Ahern, W. Russell Neuman, and Jennifer Stromer-Galley, University of Pennsylvania 
  • Comparison Shopping for Candidates Online: The Internet's Role in Constructing Citizenship as Consumption

  • Kirsten Foot and Ilyse Stempler, University of Pennsylvania 
  • Voting Over the Internet: Cultural Implications of New Technology

  • Jennifer Stromer-Galley, University of Pennsylvania


9:30-11:00 124 Ethics and Internet Research
Moderator: Charles Ess, Philosophy and Religion Department, Drury University
  • Ethical Dilemmas in Cyberspace: Obtaining Consent for Online Qualitative Research in the Absence of an Established Operational Framework

  • Caroline Bennett, Department of Humanities & International Studies, University of Southern Queensland
  • Ethical Issues in the Use of Internet Posts

  • Craig Murray, Department of Psychology, Liverpool Hope University 


9:30-11:00 125 Economics 
Moderator: Suraj Commuri, University of Nebraska 
  • The Dangerous Web: Economic Consequences

  • George Ure, ISA 
  • The Emerging Duality of Social vs Economic Uses of the Internet: Evidence from User Surveys

  • Naomi Sunderland, Queensland University of Technology and Greg Hearn, Queensland University of Technology 
  • Virtual Consumption: The Commercial Discourse of The Web

  • Karen Gustafson, Department of Radio-TV-Film, University of Texas, Austin 
  • Rhetorical Features of Website Communication

  • Anne Ellerup Nielsen, The Aarhus School of Business, Denmark 


9:30-11:00 126 Empirical Approaches to Research
Moderator: Klaus Bruhn Jensen, Department of Film & Media Studies, University of Copenhagen 
  • Online Survey Research Methods and Data Collection 

  • Ryan Burns, University of Oklahoma 
  • What's Wrong with the Internet: Consumer Views of Internet policy Issues 

  • Josephine Ferringo, Annenberg Public Policy Center, University of Pennsylvania 
  • Increasing the validity and representativeness of on-line surveys by the "closed pool"-method: Evidence from On-Line Replications of Questionnaire-Based Evolutionary Psychological Findings 

  • Martin Voracek, University of Vienna 
  • Cybersex: Pornography, Games or Just Safe Sex?

  • Franc Trcek Centre for Spatial Sociology, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana



131 Keynote: The Rise of Networked Individualism
Barry Wellman, Department of Sociology and Centre for Urban & Community Studies, University of Toronto


12:30-1:50 133 Women on the Internet
Moderator: Anne Daugherty, University of Kansas 
  • M or F? Some Methodological Notes on Studying Gender in Cyberspace

  • Jennifer Trias, Temple University 
  • Female Cyberbodies: Imaging on the Web 

  • Kate O'Riordan, University of Brighton 
  • "The Woman Question": Addressing Female Net Users 

  • Susanna Paasonen, Cinema and TV Studies, University of Turku 
  • Selling the Internet to Women: The Early Years 

  • Mia Consalvo, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee 


12:30-1:50 134 Writing on the Web, Electronic literature, and Linguistics
Moderator: Len Hatfield, Virginia Tech 
  • When Literature Meets the Web: German Examples of Netliterature

  • Roberto Simanowski, University of Göttingen 
  • Learning to Write at a Distance: Lessons from the Past for the Future of Email

  • Naomi Baron, Department of Language and Foreign Studies, American University 
  • Women's Websites: Confessions of Non-Normative Heterosexual Practices

  • Elissa Fineman, University of Texas at Austin 
  • Management of Virtual Interactions: Packaging Messages for Transmission

  • Sherri Condon, University of Louisiana at Lafayette 


12:30-1:50 135 Global Internet Initatives: Case Studies
Moderator: Bram Dov Abramson, Telegeography 
  • An Australian Case Study of a Rural Community in Transition: the Influence of an Outback Internet Cafe 

  • Lyn Simpson, Communication Center, Queensland University of Technology 
  • Civic Networks, a comparative view

  • Mattia Miani, University of Bologna 
  • Integration of Adaptive Technologies in Building Information Infrastructure for Rural Based Communities in Coastal Belt of Bangladesh.

  • Hakikur Rahman, SDNP Bangladesh 
  • Reviewing the Law - Assessing Australia's On-line Content Regulations

  • Sherman Young, Media and Cultural Studies, University of Queensland 


12:30-1:50136 Pew Internet and American Life Project


1:00-3:10 141 Families and Children Online: Perils and Possibilities
Moderator: Diana Odom Gunn, McNeese State University
  • The CyberChild

  • Angela Thomas, University of Western Sydney 
  • An Investigation of Internet Content and On-line Safety Issues in Canada

  • Leslie Regan Shade, Department of Communications, University of Ottawa 
  • Families Courting the Web: The Internet in the Everyday Life of Household Families

  • Vivienne Waller, Sociology Program, Australian National University 
  • Surfing the Family@home

  • Sue Cranmer, Institute of Education, University of London 
  • Outlook and Insight: Young Danes' Uses of the Internet, Navigating Global Seas and Local Waters

  • Gitte Stald, Film and Media Studies, University of Copenhagen 


2:00-3:20 153 I've Got a Little List
  • Joan Korenman, Center for Women and Information Technology, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
  • Patrick Leary 
  • Michéle Ollivier , Département de sociologie, Université d'Ottawa
  • Wendy Robbins, Department of English, University of New Brunswick, Canada
  • Gilbert B. Rodman, Department of Communication, University of South Florida


2:00-3:20 154 Digital Resistances
Moderator: Lauren Langman, Loyola University of Chicago 
  • "Sites" of Resistance: Charting the Alternative and Marginal Websites in Singapore

  • K.C. Ho and Zaheer Baber, Department of Sociology, National University of Singapore
  • Zapatistmo: The Electronic Web of Third World Solidarity

  • Fredi Avalos-C'deBaca, California State University, San Marcos 
  • Arenas of Innovation: Fringe Groups and the Discovery of New Liberties of Action

  • S. Lee & H. Sawhney, Indiana University
  • Sleepless in Belgrade: Virtual Community During the War

  • Smiljana Antonijevic, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade 


2:00-3:20 155 Internet Research Ethics Roundtable
  • Philip Howard, Northwestern University and Pew Internet and American Life Research Fellow 
  • David Snowball, Augustana College 
  • Storm King, International Society for Mental Health Online 
  • Sarina Chen, University of Northern Iowa 
  • Sanyin Siang, American Association for the Advancement of Science 
  • Steve Jones, University of Illinois Chicago 
  • Rob Kling, Indiana University


2:00-3:20 156 Internet and Science
Moderator: Wesley Shrum, Department of Sociology, Louisiana State University 
  • Scientists Users of the Internet in Brazil: the Geneticist Biologists

  • Christiana Freitas 
  • The Uses of Networking for Sociological Research

  • Ran Chermesh, Behavioral s Department, Ben-Gurion University 
  • The Informational Turn in Science

  • Paul Wouters, NIWI, Royal Netheraland Academy of Arts and Sciences 
  • The Internet as a New Medium for the Sciences? Effects of the Internet Use on the Use of Traditional Media of Scientific Communication

  • Martin Eisend, Science Center Berlin for Social Research 



161 Keynote:Systematic Studies of Social Behavior that Involve the Internet: A Social Informatics Perspective
Rob Kling, Center for Social Informatics, Indiana University